Massage for everyone.


Therapeutic Swedish Massage  

Therapeutic massage has many forms. To really understand the massage best suited to each client's condition, our therapist Elizabeth talks with each incoming client to help them find the treatment that makes the most sense for them. Whether the muscle and joint dysfunction is because of age, repetitive motion strain, sports injury, or stress, your therapist will help you decide on the best treatment for you and your body.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone massages are a wonderful and therapeutic way to relieve stress and relax tense muscles. The warming effect of the smooth stones on the body helps ease tired muscles and increases the pliability of tight tendons. Hot Stone massage helps heal common conditions such as plantar fasciitis and chronically tight IT bands. 

Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy can be a joyous and exciting time. As your pregnancy progresses, there are physiological changes to joints and muscles. The lower back, legs and shoulder muscles can become achy due to the added pressure and weight of the baby. Prenatal massage can help ease some of the effects of pregnancy and leave you and your body relaxed and rejuvenated. Proper bolstering is used for all stages of pregnancy. 

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

The lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the body. Surgeries and health conditions can cause lymph to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs or around a surgery site. This causes swelling, which interrupts the normal flow of lymph. Lymphatic Drainage massage improves circulation, helping the lymphatic system get rid of excess accumulated waste. It may also benefit those experiencing fibromyalgia, edema, fatigue, insomnia, stress and digestive problems.

Signature Massage

Our Signature massage blends together Hot Stones, Cupping, Gua Sha, Hydrotherapy & an Aromatherapy foot scrub for 90 minutes of healing bliss.